
Extra-Curricular Activities

We have a wide range of clubs available to children throughout the year, including sports, choir, cookery, arts and crafts, computing and homework club either during the lunch break or after school.

The clubs offered to the children vary from term to term and are run by our teaching staff.

If your child would like to join one of our clubs, you will need to book on to this using the Arbor parent portal or Arbor app. Clubs timetables go out on the first week of each new term and parents book on a first come first serve basis. 

For after-school activities it is essential that we have your consent so that we know your child has your permission to stay late at school.  Please arrange for your child to be collected by yourself or another responsible adult at the end of the club. 

As our clubs are very popular we may have to draw up a rota so that everyone can have the opportunity to participate. For oversubscribed clubs, parents will be informed if their child does not have a place.

 * Please note even if your child has attended the club before, we will need you to sign up again on Arbor Parent Portal or the App 

* If it is raining hard please assume that outside clubs will be cancelled, we will not make individual phone calls for bad weather. If in any doubt, please phone the school office during the afternoon. 

* If a child commits to join a club they will be expected to attend the club every week or make their apologies to the staff concerned. 

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