
School Priorities 2024-25

Our key improvement priorities for the forthcoming year are as follows. Everyone in our school community - leaders, staff, governors, MAT, pupils and parents - has a key role to play in ensuring our school provides the very best for our children, enabling them to achieve well.

PRIORITY 1 Curriculum & Outcomes- overseen by Mrs Baillie-young and Standards Governor 

  • Outcomes to be at least in line with National standards in statutory assessments

  • Curriculum to be relevant and engaging for all pupils

PRIORITY 2 Attitudes to learning - overseen by Mr Hill and SIAMS Governor 

  • To ensure pupils start the school day ready for learning and positive interactions

PRIORITY 3– Marketing and engaging stakeholders - overseen by Mr Cooper and Finance Governor

  • Promote St Matthew’s high standards so we are the school of choice for prospective parents and staff 

  • Marketing budget used effectively to positively impact numbers on role and school reputation

  • Admissions and induction procedures are clear and efficient for prospective parents and staff so all get a positive experience on applying to and visiting St Matthew’s School 

PRIORITY 4:  SEND & Inclusion  - overseen by Miss Haines and SEND Governor

  • Review SEND systems and processes to ensure efficiency                                                                                                                          
  • Play and lunch times are constructive, positive experiences for all


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